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At this time there is no Mivah in Kitchener-Waterloo.
The following Mikvaot are within about an hour's drive. 
For more information see

Hamilton: (Adas Israel Ritualarium)
128 Cline Avenue South, Hamilton ON L8S 1X2 (use left side door)
For an appointment please call 905-577-6842 or email By appointment only.

Toronto: (Mikvah Tahara)
694 Sheppard Ave West, Downsview ON Canada M3H 2S6 (at Allen)
Phones: 416.633.4729 or 416.630.5510.

Toronto: (Bayt Mikveh)
613 Clarke Avenue, Thornhill ON Canada L4J 3V3 (at Bathurst)
Phones: 905.886.7227 or 905.886.3810 x129

What is a Mikvah?

Evidence shows that both the physical and emotional aspects of our lives hold great importance in how we engage in interpersonal relationships. The Mikvah is a conduit of elevation for the Jewish woman that engages on both the physical and emotional (or spiritual) planes. To learn more see the viedo below to discover for yourself.

We are currently raising funds with the goal of operating a Mikvah in our community. Please consider making a donation.

Fri, February 7 2025 9 Shevat 5785